. . . to nominate Face-Lifts for best of 2007.
Each volunteer will be given a set of Face-Lifts to read, and report back with the funniest ones. I'll narrow the resulting nominees down to 5 or 10 on which everyone will vote. The criteria is humor; the query itself doesn't figure in. Thus, if you never find EE amusing, you would make a lousy nominator.
While you're choosing EE's best work, I'll choose yours, the best GTPs and New Beginnings. Once I know how many volunteers I have, I'll decide how many Face-Lifts in a set; no more than 25, for sure.
I have time this week and weekend.
If this is going to happen AFTER the holidays, I'll volunteer
I'll read a set, EE. I don't get to be around much these days but I'd still like to participate as much as possible.
Please sign me up.
Hi EE,
If you still need people for this, I'm available.
I'll play.
This is a nice idea. I wish I could participate. I really do because this sounds like fun. But I am already behind so many other things...
Sure, I can do some.
I'm in.
I'll volunteer.
Is there a timeframe?
I'll give you a week starting Thursday.
I can do it if you need more.
As long as it doesn't involve anything more than reading and laughing and looking at that little gauge on my portable laughometer, I'm game.
Still need readers? Send me some, Thursday's my day off!!!
if you still need people i'm free for the time u specified :D
Okay, everyone has seventeen Face-Lifts to read. Dave's start in the January archive, December's in the February, but it doesn't go by month so your search may be off by a month. With 12 of you looking for potential top-ten critiques some of you will find none, but send me the numbers of those you think might be candidates. It's not inconceivable someone has a set with three or four really good ones. Guess the Plots don't figure in, but if you read them and find a title with a really good set of five fakes, let me know. Thanks, all.
Dave: 254 - 270
December: 271 - 287
Robin: 288 - 304
Freddie: 305 - 321
mb: 322 - 338
150: 339 - 355
blogless: 356 - 372
ali: 373 - 389
wouldbe: 390 - 406
phoenix: 407 - 423
ME: 424 -440
Xiexie: 441 - 457
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