Write a paragraph of description that might have come from a novel. You may describe anything, anyone, any place, and you may do so concretely or metaphorically or both. But you may not tell us in the paragraph what it is you are describing. (Do tell EE what it is, so I can create an answer key.) Your goal is to provide as much information as possible without revealing your subject. Your goal is to stump us. Make us think it's something other than what it is. No more than 150 words. Humor always appreciated. Descriptions accepted through 2 PM eastern time Saturday. Include the name if you want credit.
I can't wait to read the entries!
This one, though, is too open-ended for me. My ideas went from a desert tree to Beatrix Potter to the half zebra/half horse animal on CNN right now.
Good luck to all!
Gnomic riddles...
Who would need 150 words? If I said "Techno-lust" today, would anyone not answer "I-Phone" ...
I can't wait to read the entries!
yep, me too!!!
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