Saturday, August 15, 2009

Writing Exercise

Bad Queries

Step 1. Use this random number generator to get one integer between 1 and 660.

Step 2. Search the blog for the Face-Lift with that number.

Step 3. Choose one of the fake plots.

Step 4. Write a query that focuses entirely on one thing that should be a very minor part of a good query, or shouldn't be included in a good query at all. Obviously you won't be bringing up the plot at all, but you also won't be mentioning--at all--anything other than the ONE area you choose to focus on. If you are having trouble thinking of a possible area, Face-Lift 660 listed several in the notes at the end. Queries that aren't limited to one area will be returned unopened.

Deadline Sunday, 10 AM. 250 words max.


Robin B. said...

I'm in for this one. Looks fun.

_*rachel*_ said...

So, I focus on only the bio, or the market, or something like that?

Evil Editor said...

Yes. If you give your bio, you give nothing else. If you give your word count, the whole thing is about word count.

fairyhedgehog said...

Oh dear. I've some editing to do then.

Anonymous said...

Okay, I'm being dumb, I'm sure, but what's the point of steps 1, 2 and 3, if, obviously, I won't be bringing up the plot at all?

Evil Editor said...

Steps 1 and 2 get you a title for your book. That will save some of you hours of deep thought. Step 3 will be of value only if you focus on something that makes it useful. For instance, if your query focuses on impressive credits, then knowing your plot involves alligator wrestling would be helpful, as you could include Alligator Wrestling Monthly among your credits.

Conversely, if your focus is on unimpressive credits, you would know not to include Alligator Wrestling Monthly among the credits you brag about.

Anonymous said...

OK. That's does it. I posted as anonymous, I know I did. I hid my trail pretty well, so how the f--- did you know I'm an alligator wrestler?

none said...

So I searched for Face-Lift 349, but it didn't come up :(.

Dave Fragments said...

I did my exercise, strapped it to a quality vector and sent it on its journey of discovery to search for a motto and philosophy.

It'a all in EE's capable hands. Remember your quality mission, make a qualaity plan and execute your quality functions.

Evil Editor said...

The search in the blog doesn't seem to work as well as the search in the dashboard.

Possibly it has to do with my having changed numbers of some queries after discovering I'd mis-numbered.

none said...

Thanks, EE :).