It has been suggested that there should be a collective noun for a group of Evil Editor's minions, as Miss Snark had a "devotion" of Snarklings.
Cast your vote for one of the following:
An affliction of minions
A deviation of minions
A malevolence of minions
A plague of minions
Note that the list has grown shorter, reflecting insufficient support for a few of the options.
don't like any of them much
One for malevolence.
I like how M and M go together and a malevolence of minions sounds stronger than a devotion of snarklings.
If I can make a suggestion:
A plague of minions
otherwise I vote for affliction.
May I suggest, a deviation of minions?
Hmmmmm. I think I'll go with "deviation." It fits.
I'm liking Affliction.
A plague of minions? That wasn't there before!
That sounds perfect, nothing beats The Black Death.
I'm changing my vote to plague.
Well, of the choices offered, I guess I'd have to vote for:
A plague of minions.
2nd choice: An affliction of minions.
But I'm wondering if you would accept my suggestion: a ménage of minions???
I cast a full vote for plague.
And a semi-half almost maybe second place vote for affliction
Since Miss. Snark had a "devotion" and well, you are the Evil Editor, I'm in favor of "a malevolence of minions." Although, a "perversity" was a close second.
I like plague or affliction of minions.
A deviation of minions, definitely.
I have to vote for "deviation".
I mean, at least it's novel.
Malevolence, with deviation as a close second. It's just that deviation has already been taken by the books.
I vote for malevolence.
I would be proud to be a member of a depravity of minions, myself. it's got such a ring to it.
Well, I was going to go for "shitload" then realized it wasn't on the list. Of the official options, "plague" does read the best, though not sure it totally captures the finer nuances of the group.
Other alternatives?
Arithmetically, one can have standard and non-standard deviations. That appeals to my sense of humor. Two standard deviations of Minions might actually be a definable number.
I like affliction.
I think we should have considered a murder of minions, like with crows. However, I'm going to vote for A malevolence of minions, because that sounds cool. :-)
Or... How about an aspiration of minions...?
1. Murder!
2. Deviations, but it has too many syllables
3. Plague sounds the best but it's just so... common.
So far...
From the people that gave more than one vote, I took the first and disregarded the second.
I'll toss my vote in for plague, because really, who are we kidding?
Though I really like the alliteration aspect of malevolence and would throw it in as a second (except we're not getting second votes), along with a secondary vote for murder and a write-in for "malefaction".
From the list, I'd go with malevolence.
But I do like Sylvia's deviation.
Or what about an opinion?
Plague is not bad but my own preference would be for a thrall of minions. It expresses the relationship so nicely.
Deviation works for me.
I don't wanana be part of a plague, thanks. Plagues aren't good for you - whereas deviations, done right, certainly are.
I'm with Buffy: I Don't like anything much...
We could call it a quarrel of minions, because, even when deciding on a collective noun, we quarrel!
I still like deviation.
I'm still for deviation from the choices given. Deviant is good - it's far from the madding crowds, it's not being boring, it's anti-acceoted-norm...
HOWEVER - I just reread the comments, and Whirl's idea of "An Opinion of Minions" sure does, um, ring the bell of resonance,not to mention, it sorta rhymes.
Of the current choices I would pick plague.
If nominations are still being accepted, I nominate a ward of minions.
"I was beset by a plague of minions!"
Sounds good, doesn't it?
It could be argued that plague is already a collective noun and refers to an extremely large group. For instance, Evil Editor was beset by a plague of bad query letters. But if we're seeking a term that could be applied to a small group of minions as well as a large group, plague may not work. If six minions show up for a writing retreat, would it sound right to call them a plague of minions? Is it not better to use a term that's not already a collective noun with built in connotations, so that we can be the ones who ascribe a meaning to the word? Just asking.
Ooh, I hadn't noticed an opinion of minions. That does have a certain ring. But I still like deviation. Hell, it fits with the whole Novel Deviation theme.
I suggest using the choices in a sentence -
For example - Evil Editor's affliction of minions resounded their opinion on the subject.
Evil Editor's deviant minions ripped the heart out of would be writer with glee.
Evil Editor's malevolence of minions expressed their usual opinion on the subject - they voted to have the writer quartered for his overuse of adverbs.
Evil Editor's plague of minions fell upon the hapless victim prepared to shred his 150,000 word novel to pieces.
An affliction of minions
A deviation of minions
A malevolence of minions
A plague of minions
They all work for me. How about:
An affliction of deviant minions with plagued,malevolent hearts.
A bit wordy -
Malevolence gets my vote.
These sentences seem to refer to all minions. Thus they might as well just say Evil Editor's minions gathered in the stadium. We're seeking a term for a subset of all minions, so we can say An affliction of minions walked into a bar...
Well,it seems to me that 'a deviation of minions' could work with a small or large...group...of the previously mentioned...group.
Plus, I really don't want to be part of a plague. Ya know, like "a plague on both your houses". Or Albert Camus. Or locusts.
Another option:
An anonymity of minions
Affliction will do, although I rather liked menage. (Sorry I can't do the accent in comments.)
A Deviation of Minions is the best of the choices. It's fresh and sly and a little self-deprecating without being negative; it's an inside joke, too. All good qualities in a collective noun.
But An Opinion of Minions is very clever and descriptive. I second (or third or fourth) it for consideration.
A fawning of minions
or if that is the wrong image, how about
an arrogance of minions?
I like deviation. It alludes to EE's books and the fact that, at any given time, we could be doing any number of deviant things. :)
Well, L Violet - I like your style.
if "a plague of minions" would only refer to a large group, would "a-small-touch-of-stomach-flu of minions" refer to six or less?
And, does this mean if we find a name, we'll have a writing retreat? you could appear by phone like Charlie. I'd nominate Dave as Bosley.
I'd pay for that.
I'd pay for that.
Awesome! We have a host!!
Don't worry, I'll bring a bottle or something...
So far...
I only counted first place votes and disregarded votes for anything that isn't already on the list.
It's a rough estimate. I might have counted some people twice because of multiple posts but I don't think I did.
Wait a minute....I just reread (prompted by ril) and realized that EE wasn't gonna be there, only his voice on the phone. That wouldn't be enough - UNLESS he was hidden somewhere on the grounds of the retreat house. Then it would be fun.
But haven't you read any of the relevant writing prompts? I'd come, but I'd bring a weapon just in case--SUPER SOAKER YEE-HA!!! With us there, you never know how it'll turn out, EE or not.
I still want to be part of a malevolence of minions.
Have you decided...
I was kinda hoping it would all go away, once it became clear that emotions were running high and bitterness was inevitable no matter which way it went. I think whenever minions make plans to congregate, the person arranging the meeting should be responsible for the collective noun. For instance, an invitation could be sent out stating: You are invited to join an affliction of minions for tea and crumpets...
Ah, a controversy of minions...
Ah, yes...an opinion of minions....
So announce that. Say we can use whatever we want.
What will you use?
Stranger here... depending on what you want your minions to do - if it's "watch trembling as your latest laboratory experiment defies the laws of nature" (as in "Agatha Heterodyne - Girl Genius"), then I favour "a cowering of minions". Or "cringe", but that rhymes distractingly.
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