Is there any way one could submit a query for critique, yet not get it published on the site? I think I have an awesome query, and I really want EE's opinion, but I don't want my story to be on the web.
Think of Evil Editor as Jerry Seinfeld. Set for life financially, he nonetheless tours the country performing his comedy act, for the sheer joy of bringing laughter to thousands. His performance at Carnegie Hall is sold out. 2804 people waiting in their seats, Jerry backstage, admiring his hair. Suddenly you walk into Jerry's dressing room and say, "Jerry, would you mind doing your act just for me tonight?"
Question: How would Jerry react?
1. Have the ushers clear the Hall, and put on his act just for you.
2. Call security and have this nutcase escorted from the premises.
Why would a person think that you would even consider such a thing? It's only a public service to writers if it's public. It's not like you have some horrible addiction to query letters. ;)
Or do you...?
1) If this poster can't take constructive criticizm on a query letter, how would he/she react when some book reviewer from somewhere rips his/her book to shreds?
2) I doubt another writer is able to read a query letter on this site, steal the plot of the book described, re-write the exact same book and then try to sell it. That takes plagarism to a whole new level; copying from the summary of a book that isn't even published yet.
I suspect it's #2, Lea - someone mistakenly thinks someone else will steal his/her Grand Ideas. Forget plagiarism...who would bother?! Published authors point out that ideas are a dime a dozen. I've seen authors give them away. ;-) In fact, one even gave an idea and then several ways (different genres, I think) it could be spun into a story.
It's all in the writing. A clever idea won't get someone very far if the writing sucks, so writers should not worry about someone stealing their brilliant idea. (Or, of course, don't bother submitting to EE.... ;-)
(If I'm guessing wrong, then...whoops. It bears stating anyway.)
Almost without exception, writers are too enamored of their own ideas to steal anyone else's.
Well, I've heard it said that book plots are like movie plots. There are only 8 or so original ideas. The rest are the same thing over and over, only the names of the characters and the settings change.
*eyes her little black book filled with story ideas*
*stares at her multiple project folders on two different usb thumb drives*
*glances into her drawer full of notes on different ideas*
Can I send a query letter so someone CAN steal some of these things?
Why would anyone want someone else's stories? On second thought, inquiring minds don't want to know.
If it's that awesome then you don't need Evil Editor anyway.
Actually, I picture Seinfeld taking a slightly different option: saying to the guy, "Listen, why don't you just sit down there in the audience, close your eyes, and pretend I'm giving my performance just for you?"
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