Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Merry Christmas


Anonymous said...

That's one way to make holes in the snow...

Jo-Ann S said...

Merry Christmas, evil one. Thanks for all the laughs. You're a star!

Anonymous said...

Gee, the deer in my yard just eat and eat and eat and eat and eat, everything green, tender, flowery, growing, plant-like, vegetable, and they give birth, Bambi is always hungry... Pushes over the fences and jumps in front of the cars (Start your heart time)...

They never do anything cool like shoot lasers. Jeepers, the hunters wouldn't like that. Damn... I might even camp out to see that. The biggest danger around here is when the hunters get near a pond, the dick doo-doo is so thick that they slide into the pond.

I mean, if you only had one big date a year and were guaranteed a "good time" would you like it if someone came out and shot you in the butt and then mounted your horns on a wall? In my book, that's the bad date from (heck)!

Unknown said...

Did some aspiring novelist die suddenly of frostbite with his mostly, but not completely, fourteen times rewritten, but not fully edited version of his masterpiece open in the snow when Rudolph just happened by on his way to some really fun reindeer games?
Or are you projecting your own angst at the whole Christmas season?
Or am I just reading too much into this?
Don't tell me if it's the latter. I like to cling to my illusions.
Can Rudolph read? I don't think they covered that issue in the iconic cartoon. I think there's a book there.

Merry Christmas!

Tk said...

Happy Hols EE, and many thanks for all the laughs and advice!