In the USA, it's Thanksgiving time. Family gatherings, turkey dinners, football, parades and more. But let's not forget to give thanks.
1. I'm thankful that dinosaurs are extinct, even though I'm pretty sure if they weren't extinct, poachers with machine guns would kill them all.
2. Then again, maybe if dinosaurs weren't extinct, men would have been too busy running away from them to invent machine guns.
3. I'm thankful that all the mirrors in my house aren't the two-way kind, with complete strangers sitting behind them watching me and taking notes and shaking their heads . . . Or are they?
4. I'm thankful I got out of my pre-med studies and went into the humanities, or I never would have found my ideal vocation: blogger.
5. I'm thankful I have elbows, as otherwise I would have trouble getting my hat on.
What are you thankful for? I'm not expecting a huge readership on Thursday, so I'll just publish the most amusing responses. (Sappy responses may be published on your own blogs; expect me to drop by and check them out.)
You hear that minions? Quickly, off to your sites and type up sappy thanks. Evil is coming!
I'm sure EE meant snappy. Or maybe not. Either way, this entry needs more than 1 comments. Grrr.
The comments aren't being published here, but collected for a Thanksgiving day post.
Tuh! Squirrels, eh?
It's amazing the silly things that annoy sqrls. Like, 1 comments. Is it so hard to have it say 1 comment(s)? Blogger? Anyone?
I'm thankful for that gorgeous artwork, you posted... I think I'll just print it out and hang it on my wall.
I'm so greatful for those new mirrors installed in EE's house...
Now I can finally see what he's up to.
Hey, a girl can dream, right?
I knew it! I told ya folks, that illiterate is up to no good.
Quickly, EE tape over your mirrors with some adhesive tape, just like I always do to mine.
I'd suggest you break those mirrors, but that's 7 times X bad luck, which is... pretty bad.
nut, I resent that. Besides, no one wants to spy on YOU. Your condition might be contagious.
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