Thursday, July 17, 2008

Okay, by popular demand...

Well, not so much popular demand as the fact that we're running low on openings. Henceforth you may submit not just openings and chapter openings, but also excerpts from anywhere in your novel or short story. Here's the run-down:

1. The excerpt should be 150 - 200 words. If it's longer, expect to see it shortened.

2. The excerpts will be posted at They may not technically be openings, but they're the openings to the post that will eventually appear. There's a link to EE's Openings in the sidebar.

3. The excerpt plus continuation will be posted only when a brilliant or at least reasonably funny continuation has been submitted. Which could take weeks. Obviously they aren't posted in the order submitted.

4. When choosing an internal excerpt, keep in mind that commenters haven't read what precedes the excerpt. Try to choose an excerpt in which it's not necessary to know the background of the characters and story.

5. If you have any interest in writing continuations, try to check daily to see if new material has appeared.


pacatrue said...

Seems like a good idea. I'm going to submit a previous EE continuation. To be continued.

Scott from Oregon said...

You should allow a lead up submission as well. You might get some good ones of those, as well...

Julie Weathers said...

I'll try to participate, but things are kind of interesting right now. Not ignoring you and I admire you for trying to be so obliging.

Anonymous said...

Then "continuations" are like cuddling and "Lead-Up Submissions" are like foreplay?

writtenwyrdd said...

Perhaps you might suggest themes for the excerpts and bundle them? So that one week it's awkward meetings, the second violence, the third chapter scene endings, etc.?

I have not been participating as much as I'd like. I have been doing all sorts of house repair and yard work (summer in New England is very short you know) and now I'm putting my house on the market so I have even more to accomplish.

But I will try to do more continuations.

none said...

Busy. Issue Three--printers--almost there!

Robin S. said...

WW's idea about themes sounds good - it would be sort of like the weekend things when we send in scenes - but they're given the 'opening' treatment - in that they wait for a funny continuation.

People could still send in openings and other scenes - but this gives some direction.

For example - the sex/romance scenes we sent in a while back. they'd be a scream with continuations. I don't know about anyone else - but I have more than one of those in my novel. More than two, actually.

But whatver you decide to do, thanks for opening up the choices!

I'll wait to send in mine- since I just had a turn a few days ago.

Wes said...

It greatly helps to get feedback on several scenes from our WIPs.