Monday, December 30, 2013

Q & A

This is me wondering how to respond 
to an email.
"This is me reading a query from a complete imbecile", reads the caption under one of the pictures in Hannah Roger's Photo gallery.

Interestingly she never gave her email address!! What sort of a person, who is looking for query from writer, would do that?

In the absence of her email I am writing here because you endorse her.

The link to Ms. Rogers's website in my sidebar is not an endorsement, but merely provides me with a quick way to check out her cute hairstyle.

However, I think I can safely say that if an agent makes it impossible to contact her, perhaps she's not the agent for you.


Unknown said...

Hannah Rogers is my fave agent. I love how she can reject a query based upon its first word.

Dave Fragments said...

I'm jealous, Hanna Rogers gets such cool email. How come I never get email like that?

james said...

Just guessing, but if Dave Fragments isn’t getting as cool of emails as Hanna’s, it may be because of something EE made note of: cute hairstyle. Try a cuter hairstyle, Dave.