There've been two "Guess Which Titles Are Real Cookbooks" quizzes over the years. I've combined the best of both into one quiz. Ten of the titles below are actual cookbooks. The rest were made up by EE and his minions. Answers are below the quiz.
Go Fork Yourself: Recipes for Life
Moon Unit Zappa’s Vegan Goodies
The Endangered Species Cookbook
The Endangered Species Cookbook
The Hunting in the Nude Cookbook
The Lost Ravioli Recipes of Hoboken
Mama Nazima's Jewish Iraqi Cuisine
Ring of Fire: Recipes for Anal Distress
Fishwife's Guide to Cooking for Ingrates
The Sharper Your Knife, the Less You Cry
Stoned Soup: Favorite Recipes of the Martyrs
Long Table: The Complete Giraffe Recipe Guide
Yeast Infections: Natural Bread Baking at Home
Hungry for You: From Cannibalism to Seduction
The Head's the Best Part! 101 Ways to Cook Brain
Unsettling Soups For Your Pre-Suicide Farewell Party
Unsettling Soups For Your Pre-Suicide Farewell Party
From Here to Eternity: Recipes Inspired by the Afterlife.
Erin go Burp: Traditional Meals from Ireland's Emerald Shores.
The Bulimia Cookbook: Recipes that Taste Just as Good Coming Up
The Bulimia Cookbook: Recipes that Taste Just as Good Coming Up
Beyond Offal: Decorating Dishes With Hooves, Teeth, Horns And Fur
The Willie Nelson "Cooked Goose" Cookbook and IRS Financial Advisor
Eat What You Want and Die Like a Man: the World's Unhealthiest Cookbook
The Redneck Grill: The Most Fun You Can Have With Fire, Charcoal, and a Dead Animal
Heat: An Amateur's Adventures as Kitchen Slave, Line Cook, Pasta-Maker, and Apprentice to a Dante-Quoting Butcher in Tuscany
The actual cookbooks are:
The Hunting in the Nude Cookbook
The Endangered Species Cookbook
The Lost Ravioli Recipes of Hoboken
Mama Nazima's Jewish Iraqi Cuisine
The Sharper Your Knife, the Less You Cry
Hungry for You: From Cannibalism to Seduction
The Willie Nelson "Cooked Goose" Cookbook and IRS Financial Advisor
Eat What You Want and Die Like a Man: the World's Unhealthiest Cookbook
The Redneck Grill: The Most Fun You Can Have With Fire, Charcoal, and a Dead Animal
Heat: An Amateur's Adventures as Kitchen Slave, Line Cook, Pasta-Maker, and Apprentice to a Dante-Quoting Butcher in Tuscany
Guess the Title

Thanksgiving being a day we celebrate by eating, I've taken the subtitles of eight food-and-drink-related books that are for sale online from Barnes and Noble. Your job is to guess which title goes with each subtitle.
The One! The Only! Guide to Cooking on Your Car Engine!
Gourmet Grill
Manifold Destiny
Radiator Roadkill
Carburetor Cuisine
The Six-Cylinder Superchef
Recipes and Rants
The Cranky Chef
Bitchin In The Kitchen
Gordon Ramsay's Fuckfest
The Crabby Cook Cookbook
Frost My Chocolates and Roast My Butt
Drinking Games for Times You'll Never Remember with Friends You'll Never Forget
Shit Faced
The Imbible
Pickle My Liver
Beer Pong and Beyond
Wasted and No Remembrance
Recipes for Self-Loathing
Humble Pies
Bevittle Yourself
Eat Your Feelings
The Blimp in the Mirror
The Sylvia Plath Cookbook
How Sharp is Your Chef's Knife?
Grim and Ghastly Recipes for the Gruesome Gourmand
Awful Offal
First, Peel the Otter
Ghoulish Gastronomy
The Zombie Cookbook
The Brains are the Best Part
When I Asked You to Bring Me Some Grub, I Didn't Mean it Literally
Have Your Best Friend for Dinner
Poached Pooch
The Pet Cookbook
The Culinary Cannibal
The Donner Party Recipes
The Cuisine of Papua New Guinea
Hannibal Lecter’s Guide to Entertaining
A Philosopher's Guide to Wine
Plato on Pinot
Que Syrah Syrah
Descartes Decanted
I Drink Therefore I Am
The Transcendental Oenophile
The Art of Miserable Meal Making
Just Nuke It
When I Cook, They Run
Last Meals in the Worst Prisons on Earth
The Cat Food Commission's Gourmet Automat
The Gray Ground Meat and Brown Vegetable Cookbook
The Worse I Cook, The More He Takes Me Out to Dinner
Actual Book Titles:
Manifold Destiny
The Crabby Cook Cookbook
The Imbible
Eat Your Feelings
First, Peel the Otter
The Pet Cookbook
I Drink Therefore I Am
When I Cook, They Run