In tribute to Whirlochre, whose blogiversary celebration is underway, and who is one of the three leading chosen-caption authors of Evil Editor cartoons, and quite possibly the leading unchosen caption author, I've compiled a short film featuring a few of Whirl's captions. As they are easier to read full-screen, and the full-screen picture quality is better on Youtube, I'm sending you there.
Click here to be magically transported to dimension Y.
Those were fabulous! Thank you for putting them together, EE!
And congratulations to Whirl on all the amazingness.
What's great about the best of these is the subtle insertion of your Nose For Humour into my Black Hole Of Waffly Punchlines via the miracle of editing.
Which, oddly, is a roundabout way of saying thanks for this assemblage.
High praise, indeedly! And I love the special honor of his being both in the top AND bottom three captioners. This one-size-fits-nothing ideal fits Whirl to a tee.
Blogger wouldn't let me join the comment party over at Whirl's, so I'm using this forum to publicly express my horror, er, surprise, er, praise over the three very, (very,) very long years he's been abusing the blogosphere. Here's to #4!
**flaily-flail** That's awesome!
that was terrific!
Whirl, you are are Captain!!! xx
That was seriously awesome.
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