Guess the Plot
1. Ember has telekinetic magic abilities, which are considered tainted by some in her kingdom. She is sentenced to be executed, but escapes and goes to war against her homeland, which is probably grounds for4. When the White House doctor gives the president blood pressure meds laced with LSD, the president turns the running of the country over to an unelected buffoon who somehow manages to dismantle the government and loot the treasury in five weeks, then skips town.
5. No one knows how the village water supply became tainted with poison, but fortunately, Roderick's spring is bubbling with clean H2O. He's also charging 50 pounds a liter, so he may not be long for this world.
Original Version
Dear [AGENT],
I would like to offer TAINTED, a fantasy romance complete at 99,000 words, for your consideration.
TAINTED is a standalone with series potential and my debut novel. It combines the rivals-to-lovers romance of Olivia Rose Darling’s Fear the Flames, with the character-driven arc of Charissa Weaks’ The Witch Collector, while challenging readers’ perception of the true heroes as seen in Carissa Broadbent’s The Serpent and the Wings of Night. [If you replace the Darling book with one by Clarissa Wild, your comp title authors would be Clarissa, Charissa, and Carissa. How could any agent resist that?] [If I'm to adequately critique your query, I must stop here and read your three comp titles. Just kidding. I used to do that, but now I just ask Chat GPT to tell me each story in three sentences. Takes less than a minute total.]
Betrothed to the Crown Prince since birth, 25-year-old Ember has always known her destiny: [is destined] to live in the [forever in his] shadow of the man she is bound to marry.
[But] During the Allocation, a sacred ceremony where Offerings are assigned to their elemental House, Ember’s world is turned upside down. Instead of joining her family in House Fire, her magic is declared tainted…evil. Once destined to be Queen, Ember is deemed a threat to the kingdom and finds her gilded cage replaced by cold, unforgiving bars of iron as she awaits execution. [Why didn't she use her tainted magic to turn the people trying to imprison her into marble statues?]
Rescued by a group of strangers, Ember flees everything she has ever known. That is, until she discovers a familiar face among her rescuers - a man she thought dead, the tainted heir to House Water and her former rival. [Was he also scheduled for execution?] [I was never happy with paper covers rock as one of the possible results in rock paper scissors. Covering isn't the same as cutting or breaking. In fact, I contend that rock would puncture paper. I propose a new game, Fire, Water, Plumber, in which Water extinguishes Fire, Fire burns Plumber, Plumber shuts off Water.]
With nowhere else to go, she is thrust into the heart of a rebellion determined to overthrow the kingdom she once called home. [It seems more likely they were taking her hostage rather than rescuing her, if they're rebelling against her kingdom. Has she shown sympathy to their cause up until then?]
Ember's telekinetic magic is highly sought-after, providing the opportunity to shape her own future. But freedom comes at a cost. [Why didn't she use her telekinetic magic to bring the key to her prison cell to her from the hook on the wall near the guard's desk?] To fight for the rebellion's cause will require her to make a difficult choice - can she fight in a war against her family? [She needed a bunch of strangers to bust her out of prison because her family was willing to watch her be executed. I think she can go to war against them.]
As she wrestles with her decision [No need to ever wrestle with a decision when you can just use fire, water, plumber.] and masters her magic, Ember’s feelings for her former rival grow. She advances quickly through the rebellion’s ranks until a dangerous mission sends her back to the heart of the kingdom that betrayed her.
When the mission goes awry, Ember is dragged back to the dungeons she once escaped. Facing execution yet again, she learns the rebellion is outmatched and the lives of those she loves rest on her shoulders. If Ember is to save them, she will need to break free of her cage once and for all. [Ah, this is where she acquires the key through magic. Sorry if I spoiled the ending.]
I hold a BA in Journalism and have spent nearly a decade working as a Journalist or in Communications. When I’m not writing, I’m escaping into romance and fantasy novels.
Thank you for your time.
What kind of king lets his kingdom's future queen be sentenced to death? Any king worth his salt would have had those who sentenced her tortured and killed. Who gets to decide whether someone's magic is tainted? Is there some kind of test, like these elders tell Ember to move a chair across the room with telekinesis, and she does, and they accuse her of being the devil?
Why weren't Ember and the Crown Prince married eight or ten years ago? She's 25. That's ancient for someone betrothed at birth.
This is too long for a query letter. You can save 20 words by dropping the third comp title. And put that paragraph after the plot summary. If you drop the last two plot paragraphs, you end with her dilemma, and it's only nine sentences, which is about right. This leaves out the part where Ember's feelings for her rival grow, but when you compare your book to a rivals-to-lovers romance, we'll get it.