Isn't this how politics works? Is that Alice or Sarah? How about not being racist and including a man of color? Can we decide the future this way? Tea, crumpets, crystal balls, chicken entrails? I know that rabbit. My neighbor keeps it in a hutch nearby. oh, phooey, I'm babbling again! ;)
Clean cup! clean cup!
This rates up there with my all-time favorites! But really EE, your face should be on the Chelshire cat.
Unchosen Captions:
I'm outta my treeeeeeeee! But was it the absynthe or the manuscripts? Aieeeeee! --wo
Am I really evil? Ask the dormouse I just blinded with my elbow! --anon.
*lol* Squee!
Isn't this how politics works? Is that Alice or Sarah? How about not being racist and including a man of color? Can we decide the future this way? Tea, crumpets, crystal balls, chicken entrails? I know that rabbit. My neighbor keeps it in a hutch nearby.
oh, phooey, I'm babbling again!
LOL and a couple of ha ha ha's!
Really thought this a winner!!
You should attend more sf conventions, Evil. You'd be the #1 guy in your field.
Good one, Candice.
I give it a 10 out of Tenniel!
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