Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Cartoon 111

Caption: anon.

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Kiersten White said...

Buffy's heart bursts with pride and joy.

Sorry Buffy, but squirrels are scary.

none said...

Bwa ha ha!

writtenwyrdd said...

Silliness. Squirrels in the vicinity would be hanging on the cage, staring in with a "Whatchya doin?" sort of mein. I know, I've trapped and relocated enough of the little furry devils.

Robin S. said...

Ha! Buffy's revenge.

Wes said...

WW, Denver is bisected by the South Platte River (if you wanna call it a river). I know people on the east side of it who trap squirrels and release them on the west side. And, you guessed it, my frieds on the west side release their varmints east of the river. All in all, I think it's a wash. The only real outcome is a lot of confused squirrels.